Thursday, July 23, 2009

Check back tomorrow for more pictures!

We have plenty of pictures to post so check back later!

Friends of Mine!


Team Arrival at Metro Life Church

The team will be arriving at Metro Life Church today (Thursday) at 12:00pm!!!! This time is pretty accurate as we talked with several folks on the bus as well as the bus driver.

Check back tonight or tomorrow and I will have plenty of pictures on this blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News from Tarija

This news comes from Jason Johnson who emailed his parents from Tarija. I haven't heard much since the team has been in Tarija so it is great to know they are doing well.

Jason says they are fine. They got a steak, salad and french fries for $7 dollars. It was a 5 star restaurant. Feeling great. Haven´t gotten sick yet. Eaten sooo much wonderful food, and climbed a mountain for 2 and a half hours. God has really blessed this trip and really worked on my heart.

As I was updated this blog, I heard from Tim and Erika. Here is what they said.

They got into Tarija at 1:30pm yesterday. They checked into their hotel which was amazing. Beds and hot showers! They went shopping in town. Oh, and the food was great!

Some of the Bolivians stayed with them and will spend the rest of the day there sightseeing. They may go to a lake today and rent a row boat.

Their plane leaves today at 5:30pm. And, before you know it, they will be in the states. God has done amazing things in Bolivian and can't wait to hear more.

Check back on Friday for more updates and pictures!

Thanks for taking this journey with me! It's been fun.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Time is Flying by Fast!

The construction team took down a big tree today around the mission house. The are wrapping things up there.

The medical team did their last clinic today about 15 minutes away from the mission house. Erika said they saw about 100 people! Mainly kids with lice and scabies. They also did two knee injections.

Tonight they will meet with the youth. And leave early in the morning for Tarija. And then it's time to head back to the states!

Let's continue to pray for the team and all that God has planned for the rest of their time in Bolivia.

Keep checking for updates and pictures to follow on Friday!